Physical Damage

Physical damage coverage can pay for repairs to your truck if it's damaged in an accident, whether or not it was caused by a collision with another vehicle or a falling tree branch. This coverage can include collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, or fire and theft with combined additional coverages.

Basically, when you get physical damage insurance coverage, your truck will be covered for almost everything that can happen to it while it is on the road.

Advantages of Physical Damage Insurance

If you need trucks to run your business, you already know that they are very expensive to maintain, you may even have your own in-house mechanics that can fix a variety of issues, but they won’t be able to fix everything. Replacing or repairing just one of your trucks can cost upwards of $100,000, these types of unforeseen expenses can devastate a small or growing business. Not only are repairs expensive, but operating your fleet without a truck or more causes a myriad of other issues, all of which can cost you more money in the end. Physical damage coverage enables you to have peace of mind knowing your trucks are protected, no matter what. 

Physical Damage Coverage can include collision insurance, comprehensive insurance or fire and theft with combined additional coverages. 

Collision Insurance - This type of coverage will pay for the repair of your truck if it was damaged in a collision (liability insurance pays for repairs for damages to the other party unless you have no-fault insurance). 

Comprehensive Insurance - This type of coverage typically covers non-collision incidents which can include a variety of things like burglary, vandalism, animal damage, damage accused by falling trees and similar perils. 

Fire and Theft combined with Additional Coverage (CAC) - This is a type of comprehensive insurance with limited coverage for commercial trucks against perils like natural disasters, and of course either theft, fire or both.  Depending on your specific insurance provider, fire and theft with additional insurance takes effect under a list of specific circumstances. A few common inclusions of CAC are fire, theft, sinking of vehicle, vandalism, collision with an animal, windstorms/hail, flood, lighting, earthquake.

Request A Quote today for more information on Physical damage coverage. 

